Algeria IDAHO report 2013

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IDAHO mobilisations in Algeria centred on the publication of the ‘Colors and Shapes’ book, which features testimonies and powerful images of Algerian LGBT people. In Algeria, says the organiser’s press release, ‘the “Rainbow Flashmob” operation proves to be very difficult, if not impossible, when we know that simple gatherings are repressed by the authorities, bringing LGBT people together may pose a danger to their safety. Despite these constraints… [we] insisted on participating with the action of “Colors and Shapes” by bringing a few people together in major cities across the country to take pictures anonymously. With the aim of increasing LGBT visibility, but paradoxically with a hidden face.’

Members of the Algerian organisation Alouen were responsible for the creation of the book which can be viewed online, in full here.

Access the full press release:

Press release for the Colors and Shapes book.

Poster: ‘Difference is not an illness’

Another LGBT organisation, Abus Nawas, issued a powerful poster for the Day, with the slogan ‘Difference is not an illness’ in reference to the refusal of national public and medical authorities to acknowledge the WHO decision to declassify homosexuality as a mental illness, back in 1990.

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