International Women's Rights Network AWID marks IDAHOT 2016

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In commemoration of IDAHOT AWID invited a range of trans and intersex activists to reflect on the importance of cross-movement building for the advancement of rights.
From organisers:
While some progress has been made in recent years in recognizing trans and intersex persons’ rights, such as the Gender Identity Law passed in Argentina in 2012, there have also been strong setbacks like the laws recently voted for in the state of North Carolina, USA, which ban cities from protecting LGBTIQ people. However, the negative context is not created by laws alone, but also by violent threats, attacks and murders  of activists and trans persons in many countries around the world.
In relation to health, some organizations are carrying out campaigns for depathologizing trans identities at the international and local levels. (Two organizations doing this work are GATE – Global Action for Trans* Equality at the international level and OTD – Organizando Trans Diversidades [Organizing Trans Diversities] at the national level in Chile.)
The news about the trans man from Iceland who just gave birth to a daughter, a first case in that country, but not in the world, reinforces the need to include trans men in discussions around reproductive rights and abortion.
The AWID Forum 2016 is designed as a space for different movements to engage in a dialogue with, and get to know, each other, and to think together about strategies to strengthen our collective power.

Not Bound By The Gender Binary (900x521)
© Gabby De Cicco / AWID


We invited a range of trans and intersex activists to answer a two questions and share their experiences and ideas

  1. What works well in building movements and organizing across movements for advancing trans and intersex rights?
  2. How could we further strengthen global solidarity with the trans and intersex movements?

See more at AWID 

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