IDAHOT Events 2015: Italy

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Italy saw a variety of events across the country. Activities included the ‘traditional’ IDAHOT Vigils, street flashmob, IDAHOT Rome, a Diversity Football Cup and many more!

[box type=”note” ]We are still busy collecting information on this year’s IDAHOT activities and are waiting to hear back from activists and event organisers. If you have information to share with us, please write us at[/box]
As the years before, the Progetto Gionata, together with LGBT Christian Groups coordinated the IDAHOT Vigils around the world. The organisation is based in Italy and there were Prayer Vigils across the country in many various places. This year’s biblical verse is Psalm 139, 14 “I praise you because I am awesomely made, wonderfully; your works are wonders. My soul knows it very well” This psalm marked the vigils and the prayer services commemorating IDAHOT around the world.
Locations for vigils in Italy included:
May 10: Grosseto, hosted by “Centro di Cultura Protestante Rosa Parks” and “Arcigay Leonardo da Vinci”
May 13: Parma, hosted by Methodist Church of Parma and AGEDO Parma
May 14: Catholic Church de Gesù and City Plaza Palermo, hosted by a group of churches and religious organisations
May 15: Catholic Parish of Beverara in Bologna, hosted by Noi Siamo Chiesa Emilia-Romagn
May 16: Methodist Church in Trieste, hosted by Progetto Ruah, Chiesa Metodista di Trieste and Federazione Giovanile Evangelica in Italia
May 16: Torrazzeta (Pavia)
May 17:

  • Waldensian and Anglican Church in Florence
  • Waldensian Communities in Milan, Turin and Venice
  • Catholic Parish of Buona Morte in Catania
  • Naples
  • Pinerolo
  • LGBT Catholic Parish Vicofaro in Pistoia
  • Rimini
  • Rome
  • Pescara
  • Padova

May 20: Genova and Florence
May 26: Genova
May 28: Milan
June 5: Catholic Parish of San Bartolomeo in Crema
Vigil IDAHOT 2015Find more details about the vigils here or on their website.

In Rome, the Gay Centre organised for IDAHOT celebrations on May 17. The event took place on Piazza del Pantheon in the heart of the city.Italy_IDAHOTRome2015Rome IDAHOT 2015
Find out more about the event on their page or visit the organisers here.

In Milan, the group ICONS Calcio organised the Diversity Cup 2015 (5 vs 5 Tournament). With the Cup they tackled discrimination of all kind, with special focus on LGBT discrimination. With this event they sent the clear message of saying YES to solidarity in sports and NO to discrimination.Italy_MilanDiversityCup2015_2 Italy_MilanDiversityCup2015
Follow the updates on the event page.

Le Cose Cambiano, the Italian affiliate of the global It Gets Better project, in cooperation with college students of Progetto Prisma, as well as other LGBT-friendly associations (like Amnesty International), staged a flashmob in the streets of Bologna for IDAHOT as part fo the campaign ‪#‎unamicoinpiù‬.Italy_FlashmobBologna2015
The groups also came together on May 19 for a discussion on LGBT representation. For more details follow them on Facebook.

During the EXPO 2015 in Milan,members of the LGBTQ community organised a info booth in the Civil Society Pavillon from May 11 – 17 to speak about LGBTQ Rights. The week was filled with events and the theme of them, in coherence with the EXPO’s topic is IL CORAGGIO VIEN MANGIANDO COMING-OUT A TAVOLA. The event was coordinated by AGEDO Nazionale.Italy_Expo2015

The group ArchiLesbica and their affiliates organised activities in and around the IDAHOT in Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Ferrara, Milan, Naples, Novara, Padova, Perugia, Pisa, Roma, Trento and Udine. Find all the details here.
In Rome, the group Sportivamente Lesbica organised their “Race for the Cure” around the Circolo Massimo in support of the fight against breast cancer, which was supported by around 60,000 people. They linked the event to IDAHOT.

In Bologna, the Cassero LGBT Center established an inclusive area where anybody could show their own support in the struggle against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. In order to bring colour to the city in a positive and purposeful way, “Il Cassero” and other associations gathered at “Santo Stefano” square with info points, games, music and other activities.
You can find more details about the event on Facebook.Italy_PiazzaStStefano2015

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