Activists in Spain launched the project “Lo soy/I am” to demand respect for, and claim the image of, transgender women in Central America. The awareness campaign has the slogan: “Do not look like a woman, I am.”
The initiative included a range of activities, including a contest showcasing the creativity of transgender women and the dissemination of reports that attempt to shed light on the abuse of transgender women. All these actions were disseminated via a website specifically created for this purpose.
Activists in Valencia held two events: The presentation of a book on immigrant lesbian women in Spain, in collaboration with the University Jaume I in Castellón, and a memorial in memory of the victims of homophobic, transphobic and biphobic hate crimes.
In Madrid, activists hosted a series of activities, including a vigil in remembrance of LGBT activists who were victims of homophobic/transphobic violence, the reading of a manifesto, a cine-forum, a book launch, a conference, a drum performance and marches.