May 17 in Caracas, Venezuela: Despierta! – Wake Up!

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The organisation Venezuela Diversa in Caracas, Venezuela is currently preparing various events for the week of May 17. These events are part of the actions that are planned on a global level in over 120 countries by organisations for sexual diversity, human rights and allies of the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT).

The events that are planned for May 17 consist of:
– the 3rd Walk against Homophobia and Transphobia under the theme: ‘Let’s make Venezuela a country where free expression of LGBTI people is respected’
– seminaries at educational centres of basic education and universities
– Continuing with the advocacy work directed at the National Executive and the National Assembly (Congress) to push for the approval of the Decree ‘National Day against Homophobia and Transphobia’
– Workshops for police forces in regards to respecting the free expression of LGBTI people
The organisation Venezuela Diversa Asociación Civil is a non-profit institution of social character and human development which was born on August 15 in 2007 and was legally constituted in the city of Caracas on June 13 in 2008.
The mission of Venezuela Diversa is the advancement and defense of Human Rights for LGBTI people encouraging the development of initiatives and mechanisms of social participation which enables the involvement of the civil society, individuals and the Venezuelan state in the fight against all forms of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
For more information go the their website or follow them on Twitter.

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