Iran 2021 Country page

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Note on event listing: Due to limited capacity, we are not able to provide a comprehensive overview of the hundreds of events that will take place worldwide. We list on this site the information that was directly sent to us (without edits).
During the “season” of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, which traditionally stretches over 10 days around May 17, we will report more extensively on social media on worldwide activities. Please connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

If you are aware of any event that is not listed here, please send us an email.



On the occasion of the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, organisation 6rang (6colors) organises a campaign against violence and discrimination in university campuses, high school and university educational environments and sports environments.

Yasamin Club House: There is no doubt that LGBTQI communities have encountered discriminatory behaviors in Iran in different settings such as educational settings, sports, healthcare systems, and government sectors. Pressure and repression divest us from recording the hostility and circulating it around society.
It is time that we speak out our experiences through recording and circulation of what has happened to us and inform people about our demands, concerns, and presence to let them know how their misbehaviors, judgments, and language could be offensive and harmful.
May 17th is the International day of standing up against discrimination, assault, and repression against LGBTQI communities. Such assignments in world calendar reminds us that many people have attempted over past years to stop repression against LGBTQI communities. Today, we are responsible for undertaking our duty to fight all the discriminations.
“Together: Resisting, Supporting, Healing!” is the theme for this year’s International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. For this occasion, Iranian Lesbian and Transgender Network; 6rang has also invited its audience to join the campaign with the same name, to accompany the worldwide movement.
In next coming days, we will share with you the presence of LGBTQI community in resisting discrimination, violence and assault against people with diverse sexual orientation and gender identities in educational settings (high schools, universities and dormitories) and sports.}


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