Polish LGBT communities are currently facing big challenges. There has recently been a sustained upsurge in attacks on LGBT communities from the Polish Church hierarchy, as well as from neo-fascist groups, which are acting to silence communities, and have also started to “guard” people against the “gender ideology” they say is being imposed by activists. In this context, activists in Łódź, Poland had organised a colorful action to protest against the Anti-LGBT attacks in Polish society. And a local radio station held a program in celebration of IDAHOT.
Poland’s statues dress as rainbows!
“If Tuwim Lived Today, He’d Be Against Homophobia”
Łódź is a city born out of diversity and tolerance from many different cultures. To underline this fact, the statues in the city, preserving the memory of great city figures, have been decorated with rainbows of flowers and balloons on May 16, with the motto “Speak out against hate!”. The message was that the great figures of the city, as well as common citizens spoke out against tactics which legitimize hatred and serve to silence LGBT communities.
Factory Radio also streamed the program “Homophobia, the worst disease” by Chumbawamba. In connection with the 55 group, Student birthday Radio Żak Technical University of Lodz and the Jubilee 55-hour ramówką, the program was broadcasted on Sunday, May 18.
- Source: Fabryka Równosci
Further Information
- You can find more information and pictures of the action on Fabryka Równości website or on their Facebook page.