IDAHOT Report 2014: Bolivia

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In Bolivia, a diverse set of community groups, government representatives, artists, musicians and community allies, came together for events in Santa Cruz and La Paz. Highlights included the TransFest festival – to celebrate gender expressions and diversities, and highlight trans* community issues, in Santa Cruz. Government officials also met with activists to develop public policies, on the basis of affirmation of May 17 as an officially recognised National Day Against Homophobia in the country.

The organization Igualdad Bolivia together with the Governor of Santa Cruz and Regional Office of the Ministry of Culture joined forces for the organization of the fifth version of the transgender festival, TransFest Bolivia “TRANSFORMANDONOS”, 2014. Held in the city of Santa Cruz, the event included artistic and live Performances as well as a prize-giving event.

TransFest Bolivia, held around the IDAHOT 2014.

You can watch a full video of the event here:

Press Conference and Government Meeting
On Thursday, May 15, a press conference was held, to draw attention to actions around the Day. These included a meeting between TLGB communities and representatives of the Ministries of Justice, Culture and Education, to elaborate joint actions under the remit of the Presidential Decree (of 2011), which officially recognises May 17 as Bolivian Day Against Homophobia. This action was developed with the support of Colectivo TLGB of Bolivia.
Book Presentation, Vigil and Documentary Launch
On Friday, May 16, a presentation of the book “Freedom to love and feel: Memoirs of gay and lesbian couples in Bolivia” was held as well as a Vigil Against Violence, and the launch of a documentary about homophobia in Bolivia. These actions were also supported by Colectivo TLGB of Bolivia.
Street Parade
A final action coordinated by the Colectivo TLGB of Bolivia, was a street parade on Saturday, 17 May, in which communities and allies came together to promote and defend the rights of sexual and gender minorities.
Photography Exhibition
Finally, the organization ADESPROC FREEDOM GLBT, from La Paz, Bolivia presented a photographic exhibition of artist Andres Palacios called “Sexualidad PaceƱa”, in one of the most important museums of the city, Musef.

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