IDAHOT Events 2015: Saint Lucia stands with LGBTQI Youth

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On the Caribbean island of Saint Lucia had a series of events in celebration of the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia during IDAHOT Week and after.

[box type=”note” ]We are still busy collecting information on this year’s IDAHOT activities and are waiting to hear back from activists and event organisers. If you have information to share with us, please write us at[/box]
The Human Rights NGO United and Strong INC Saint Lucia made a “Stand with LGBTQI Youth” for IDAHOT 2015 by hosting the following events:

  • Membership costume event and poster contest – May 16
  • Community Debate featuring LGBTQI youth with mentors from the National Youth Council – May 18
  • Public Panel Discussion with experts from the fields of youth, education, law, and human rights – May 20
  • Public screening of the documentary “The Abominable Crime” – TBA

The events are also part of activities for the organisation’s 15th anniversary under the theme “Year of the Community: Education, Acceptance, Love.”
Previous IDAHOT activities include a public stand in front of the Ministry of Education and the Prime Minister’s office and the release of the documentary “Speak up, Speak out, Speak Love” last year. Watch the film here:

United&StrongLogoUnited and Strong Inc is a non-governmental organisation in Saint Lucia that offers support to marginalised groups with a focus on LGBTI. They are a member of  the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Partnership and provide information and safer sex products, such as condoms, dental dams and lubrication, as well as counselling, a safe space and a resource center. Additionally, they also focus on advocacy and raising awareness of LGBTI-Phobia and Human Rights in Saint Lucia.

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