IDAHOT Events 2015: Ireland

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Across Ireland and Northern Ireland, pro-LGBT faith groups once again marked IDAHOT with ecumenical services and invited speakers. The events were coordinated by Changing Attitude Ireland.

According to Dr Richard O’Leary, Chair of Changing Attitude Ireland (CAI) “These services and talks help raise awareness among people of faith about the issues of homophobia and transphobia. This year IDAHOT is particularly significant for us in Ireland as it occurs 5 days before the people of the Republic of Ireland will vote in a referendum to extend civil marriage to same sex couples”.

In Dublin on Sunday May 17th an IDAHOT service were held in Christ Church cathedral at 3.30pm with the speaker Senator Katharine Zappone. Other services in the Republic of Ireland were held in Cork, Limerick, Waterford (where the speaker were Irish Anglican Bishop Michael Burrows), and for the first time in rural Ireland in Manorhamilton, Co Leitrim. 

In Northern Ireland IDAHOT services were held in Belfast, Derry and Newry.
Ireland_ Changing Attitude Ireland

[box type=”info” ]Detailed schedule:

On Sunday 17th May:

Cork: St Anne’s, Shandon, 10.30am
Speaker: Ken Curtin Manorhamilton,

Co Leitrim: C of I Parish Church, 3pm
Speaker: The Revd Brendan McCarthy
Belfast: St George’s, High Street, 3pm
Speaker: Pádraig Ó Tuama
Dublin: Christ Church Cathedral, 3.30 pm
Speaker: Senator Katharine Zappone. Find the speech here.
Limerick: St Mary’s Cathedral, 7pm
Speaker: Dean Sandra Pragnell
Waterford: Christ Church Cathedral 7pm
Speaker: Bishop Michael Burrows
Newry: St Catherine’s RC Church, 7.30pm (Sacred music & readings, in association with Newry Rainbow)
And on Sunday 10th May:
Derry: St Columb’s Cathedral, 4pm
Speaker: Canon Raymond Fox[/box]

 Comment from the service in Belfast:

At St Georges Parish Church, Belfast with Changing Attitude Ireland as part of LGBT Awareness Week NI 2015.

The address was given by Pádraig Ó Tuama, theologian, poet and Leader of the Corrymeela Community on the theme “Celebrating Inclusion”, so very appropriate as by celebrating Inclusion (one of the themes of this Week), we can challenge the other theme of the Week- Prejudice. Pádraig concluded his address by reciting a poem he had written that very morning on the theme of Inclusion.
Thanks to Changing Attitude Ireland for organising this 7th Annual Service, to the Rector, Brian Stewart and to the organist and Chamber Choir for leading us in praise.
As always, I found this a very moving occasion, thinking of those who suffer here and in many other places in the world, but also looking forward with Hope to a warmer, more loving world for my LGB&T sisters and brothers.

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