IDAHOT Events 2015: Hong Kong & Macau


As in previous years, Hong Kong hosted a series of events in commemoration of the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.

[box type=”note” ]We are still busy collecting information on this year’s IDAHOT activities and are waiting to hear back from activists and event organisers. If you have information to share with us, please write us at[/box]
Pink Alliance, together with a number of organisations, such as Action Q, Amnesty International Hong Kong, Beyond the Boundary – Knowing and Concerns Intersex, China Study Society- University of Macau, Hong Kong Shue Yan University Student’s Union, Lingnan University Students’ Union, Queer Straight Alliance (QSA), Rainbow of Macau, Sex and Gender Concern Group- The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University Students’ Union and the Transgender Resource Center have started their IDAHOTI event this year on April 8th. Celebrations lasted almost 40 days this year and featured exhibitions and public events across the area.
The theme for this year’s IDAHOTI in Hong Kong was LGBTI Youth / Intersex hence the change of name to IDAHOTI
The ‘Growing Pains’ special exhibition took place in at least 6 colleges and other venues in Hong Kong and Macau and included talks and workshops about the issues facing young LGBTI people.IDAHOT Hong Kong 2015-3
Dates for the exhibitions were as followed:

  • 8th to 15th April: Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學
    • Exhibition
  • 14th April: Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學
    • Sharing – Difference and Inclusion 座談會 – 差異與包容-性態與公民教育的思考
  • 14th to 16th April: Hong Kong University 香港大學
    • Exhibition
  • 15th April: University of Macau 澳門大學
    • Sharing: “How gays grew up?” 座談會 – 某同志知多少?
  • 17th April: Hong Kong University 香港大學
    • Sharing – Being Intersex in Hong Kong 座談會 &  誰在害怕雙性人
  • 17th April: University of Macau 澳門大學
    • Screening: a documentary about gay life 同志記錄片放映
  • 20th to 24th April: Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學
    • Exhibition
  • 20th to 26 April: University of Macau 澳門大學
    • Exhibition
  • 21st April: FinS –Fruits in Suits, Hong Kong
    • Fundraising
  • 21st to 24th April: Lingnan University 嶺南大學
    • Exhibition
  • 27th to 29th April: Hong Kong Shue Yan University 香港樹仁大學
    • Exhibition
  • 6th May: Volume: BEAT & Cafe Queen
    • “Sing For Diversity”- IDAHOT Karaoke Fundraiser
  • 9th May: Les Peches
    • Fundraising
    • Party
  • 10th to 17th May: Ox Warehouse (an art gallery in Macau) 牛房倉庫
    • Exhibition
  • 17th May: Tsim Sha Tsui Ferry Pier (In front of the five flagpoles) 尖沙咀碼頭(五支旗竿前)
    • Exhibition/Free Hugs with Intersex & LGBTI people

Hong Kong_IDAHOT 2015_Street ExhibitionAt 7pm on May 17 the finale of the 40 days IDAHOTI events co-organized by 11 organizations included an exhibition of “Growing Pains” on the street of the city centre along with a Free Hugs with Intersex people.

Thank you for all volunteers and participates who join our Free Hugs on May 17 at TST piers making such evening a wonderful memories to close our 40 days campaign this year for IDAHOTI2015.

Watch this short video from the final action on the street:

You can follow the newest updates and discussions on IDAHOT Hong Kong, as well.IDAHOTI Hong Kong 2015
About Pink Alliance:
“The Pink Alliance (aka Tongzhi Community Joint Meeting or TCJM) aims to link tongzhi organizations operating in Hong Kong, so as to assist them in their work and to provide a network for information in both Chinese and English within the tongzhi community. We also research and campaign on issues of key importance. Tongzhi (同志), a Chinese phrase, is often translated as ‘comrade’, which refers to people of different sexual orientations and gender identities in the Chinese-speaking world. Whether through advocacy work or cultural activities, we aim to advance social recognition of tongzhi as valuable members of society.”
Find out more about them and their work on their website or Facebook page.
IDAHOT Hong Kong 2015
Additionally, the Women Coalition Hong Kong (WC HK) commemorated IDAHOT with a special event under the theme ‘LGBT victims of Domestic Violence need true protection’

The event took place on 17 May  2:00-5:00pm at the East Point Road Pedestrian Street, Causeway Bay

idaho15-A3Revised ‘Domestic and Cohabitation Relationships Violence Ordinance’ that expands the protection to include same-sex cohabitation partners enacted in 2010. Since then, two kinds of LGBT domestic violence is under legal protection: domestic violence between same sex cohabitation partners and domestic violence among family members of LGBT persons, such as, abusive behavior towards LGBT sons and daughters by their own parents.
Nevertheless, no true social support exists for LGBT victims of domestic violence. The Hong Kong Government’s Social Welfare Department did not provide suitable support for LGBT victims of domestic violence. Moreover, the Police have not updated the definition of domestic violence to include domestic violence amongst family members of LGBT persons. Thus, those cases are neglected and ignored in the system.
In the street action of International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biophobia 2015, we call for changes in the policies by the Social Welfare Department and the Police to support LGBT victims, especially LGBT youths who are abused by parents. This echoes the global theme of International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biophobia 2015.

Hong Kong Women Coalition_1

 You can find more details on their page and more images of the event on Facebook.

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