IDAHOT Events 2015: Greece

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In Greece, Athens froze for IDAHOT while the people in Thessaloniki were partying it up on the evening of May 17th.

[box type=”note” ]We are still busy collecting information on this year’s IDAHOT activities and are waiting to hear back from activists and event organisers. If you have information to share with us, please write us at[/box]
The organisation Athens Pride hosted a freezing action in the busy shopping streets of Athens. The message of the activity was ‘JUST LIKE YOU’.
The goal of the action was to show the general population that LGBTQI people are just like them. There were six different aspects of life shown in a freeze position, while the six performers wore different T-Shirts, each with a different colour of the rainbow flag. Additionally, there were other participants with the JUST LIKE YOU banner who engaged in conversations with the people passing by to talk about IDAHOT, the situation of LGBTQI people in Greece and what their organisation does.
Watch the video of the freezing action here.
Foteini Pipi, one of the main organisers, brings the aim of the action to a point:

“We would like to inform everyone who is passing by. We would be happy if everyone who passes by that day will ask us questions and we can inform them about the LGBTQI community, and specifically about the action on that day, to raise awareness of the day and what the Freeze Action represents.”

If you want to know more about the action and how Athens Pride were preparing for that, read this article with an interview with Foteini Pipi.
Athens Pride Picture
Meanwhile in Thessaloniki, the Thessaloniki Pride, together with local gay club Enola hosted and celebrated the IDAHOT Party on May 17. Aside from dancing, there was also a drag performance by Queen V. The party started at 9pm.
ThessalonikiIDAHOT 2015

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