As every year since the very first IDAHOT back in 2005, the country’s vibrates with activities from north to south and east to west, far too many to be all listed.
A national IDAHOT Brazil coordination committee has been set up to curate information. To be added to the group, please contact comitenacionaldodia17maionobra
Among the highlights, a meeting will be held at the Federal Parliament between Representatives and delegates from civil society. For more information: Wyllys; 61 3215 5646
Facebook page for more info
The Parliament will hold two public hearings on the 17 on LGBT issues, including one on hate crimes
And the Senate will host a seminar on the 18th to discuss policies to combat LGBTphobias
Other major events:
A week of action in the state of Pernambuco. All information here
In Curitiba, the yearly IDAHOT march takes place again this year, together with a symposium on sexual diversity
A day of roundtables organised by the state authorities in Fortaleza
Brazilian Youth at IDAHOT 2017 event
A new health and day care center for LGBT people opens on IDAHOT in Joao Pessoa. Media report here
Bajubá: Memorial da Homofobia – annual gathering of the LGBTQ+ group BAJUBÁ, to celebrate the #May17 memorial and develop our locals to the global reality of queer people; May 17 from 6:40 p.m. @ Praça Ângelo d’Rolt, Medianeira, Paraná
Salvador de Bahia event
And all the way up to the Amazonas region. Full Manaus event info here.