- Rainbow Cities Network exhibition on “Families”, Vienna
- Queer Base – Welcome and Support for Lgbtiq Refugees, Transition International Queer Minorities Film Festival, QWIEN, Plattform INTERSEX, TransX, die Villa – Türkis Rosa Lila Villa, VIMÖ Verein Intergeschlechtlicher Menschen Österreich. Queeramnesty Österreich. GayCopsAustria, MiGaY, Queerconnexion, Homosexuelle Initiative (HOSI) Wien, visiBIlity Austria, FAmOs – Familien Andersrum Österreich, Rechtskomitee Lambda – RKL, Vienna Pride 2017, EuroPride Vienna 2019, Stonewall GmbH and Es Wird Besser Österreich: Walk4IDAHOT 2017 – Nature loves Diversity – demonstration; May 17 from 5:00 p.m. @ Christian-Broda-Platz, Vienna followed by a the screening of “Last Chance” (2012) a film Paul-Émile d’Entremont. Proceeds and donations will go towards the establishment of a shelter for LGBT refugees