IDAHOT 2015 Events: Bulgaria

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[box type=”note” ]We are still busy collecting information on this year’s IDAHOT activities and are waiting to hear back from activists and event organisers. If you have information to share with us, please write us at[/box]
In Bulgaria, the GLAS Foundation aimed to mark IDAHOT by providing special training to local police authorities on how to tackle homophobia and related hate crimes, as well as how to support the victims of these crimes.

The event is scheduled for end of June. 

Additionally, they have launched a video with experimental elements.

The video does not claim to comprehensively show the public attitudes towards homophobia and transphobia in Bulgaria. Although the filmed experiments are real, this is rather an idealized image that we would like to be valid always and everywhere.

Additionally, the Bilitis Resource Center Foundation commemorated IDAHOT with two activities on May 17 in Sofia, Bulgaria:

1) A PROTEST МАRCH ON THE OCCASION OF 17th of May – The International Day Against Homophobia and TransphobiaBulgaria-Protes March IDAHOT 2015_11
Location – meeting point at Sadebna palata, 1 p.m. end point: Ministry of Justice, 2 p.m.

Topic – the lack of legislative measures to combat hate crimes motivated by homophobia and transphobia; the lack of LGBTI visibility in Bulgarian society
Organizers – the LGBT-HHH collective, supported by antifa activists; the Bilitis Resource Centre
Supported by: The Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, LGBT Youth Organization “Deystvie”

2) An Anti-homophobia and anti-transphobia football game, organized by Bilitis Resource Center, and supported by FARE.  

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