The IDAHO Committee and UNAIDS join together to mark IDAHOT 2015


As a joint action for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia 2015, the IDAHO Committee and UNAIDS Latin America had built two infographics with the latest data from Latin America on the following topics:

  • Situation of men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender people in relation to HIV
  • Stigma and discrimination against LGBT people

The infographics show the impact of stigma and discrimination in the LGBT population in different areas of daily life: threaten their safety, increase vulnerability to HIV, move them away from the access to health care and inhibit their permanency in the education system. One of the infographics shows the advances that had been made in the legislative field from different countries to promote, ensure and protect human rights of LGBT people.
These two products intended to raise awareness about the adverse effects of discrimination and raise awareness of the need for immediate action to ensure the rule of law for everyone, no matter who they are or who they love.

Infographic 1: PDF
Infographic 2: PDF

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