Happy Transgender Day of Visibility 2014

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Transgender Day of Visibility, held annually on March 31, since 2009, is a moment to celebrate trans lives, communities and visibility !

The day first emerged as a response to the lack of international days which are uniquely addressed to trans community issues. And in response to the specific quality of Transgender Day of Remembrance, on November 17, which is focused on mourning, and highlighting, lives lost through transgender hate crimes.

March 31 is also different from the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia (IDAHOT), in that it is dedicated specifically to the celebration of trans communities, and especially to promoting transgender visibility. It is also a day to celebrate pioneers, in the fight to recognise transgender rights, and many events will be happening today with those goals in mind.

Transgender Day of Visibility was initially started by Rachel Crandall, from Michican, United States, in March 2009.

To contribute to the commemorations this year, the IDAHOT team will be publishing two interviews, focused on questions of trans visibility in Latin America – one a collective interview about trans masculine communities in Brazil (coming shortly!), and another, an interview with Venezuelan Trans Rights Superstar (and IDAHOT President!) Tamara Adrian (originally published for March 31, 2013).

We will also be posting regularly about the Day on our social media pages.

Happy Transgender Day of Visibility to everyone !

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