Croatia IDAHO Report 2012

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The Government’s office for gender equality of Croatia, following the formal recognition of the Day by the government in 2011, marked IDAHO for first time by holding a meeting with the organisation Zagreb Pride and by promoting the Day on the office’s web site.
LGBT organisations Iskorak and Kontra held an action in front of the Government of Croatia, unfolding a large rainbow flag in support of their lobby request for the government to go beyond the symbolic recognition and deliver concrete results in order to

  • Combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation through family law. Equal rights for same-sex couples without compromise.
  • Changes to the Draft Law on Medically Assisted Conception that discriminates against transsexual people, single women and same-sex couples
  • The adoption of the National Program to combat discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (draft program has been submitted to the Department of Justice
  • Removing all the homophobic content from school textbooks
  • Amendments to the Personal Names Act and the State Registers Act related to the change of name and gender in personal documents for transgender people, according to the proposals which the currently ruling party had submitted in the Croatian Parliament in 2010, when an opposition party.


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