It is now just less than two months (57 days!) to go to International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia 2013 – more than enough time to plan a fantastic event ! The IDAHO committee team is busy responding to interest from all sorts of people, groups and networks, from all over the world, about how to connect local events to a global movement.

Yesterday we heard some great news from our outreach director in the US, Ryan Ubuntu Olson. He advised that it looks like a ’groundswell of support’ is emerging around harnessing this year’s May 17th, as a day of global prayer, and that a call out to this effect, may soon be made to members of 100 churches. This morning, we also heard from Arcigay – the National Italian LGBT Association. Their 54 local chapters will be holding activities and public events to mark the Day, in the form of conferences, flashmobs and demonstrations.

We were also delighted to hear today that the call out for the IDAHO Rainbow Flashmob has made its way to China, where activists – linked to the group Queer Comrades – have already translated and distributed it to dozens of key groups ! Another highlight this week is the announcement by Transgender Europe, that they will be publishing a special update of their widely acclaimed series of reports – the Trans Murder Monitoring (TMM) project, to mark May 17th this year.

Here are some new events we have heard about over the past week or so:

In Quito, Ecuador, Quidad Foundation is organising a flashmob in different places in the city – to connect with the IDAHO Global Rainbow Flashmob – on May 17th and to call attention to different local campaign issues. They will also be publishing a guide against homophobia, which is directed to the education community in Ecuador. For more information, including details about how to participate, see You can also check the dedicated event page on the site for details, or get in contact with the IDAHO committee team through the usual address ( !

In Germany, four new events will also connect with the IDAHO Global Rainbow Flashmob ! Activists in Chemnitz, Leipzig and Dresden will be holding balloon releases on May 17, starting at 7pm. For more details you can see the map on the rainbow flashmob site ! Activists in Mainz will also be holding a Kiss-in flashmob on the local market square in front of Mainz Cathedral, including a balloon release. They will also be running a photo project around IDAHO under the slogan “Kiss the Pride”, in which they invite people to show their support for the LGBTTI community by throwing a kiss into their camera, with rainbow coloured lips ! The photos will then be displayed in the city public space and art gallery. For more details see the event’s facebook group For either event, you can also make contact through the IDAHO committee team,

In St. Petersburg, Russia, we have heard from a group of activists who will hold also connect the Global Rainbow Flashmob. At the moment however, and due to the wider political context in Russia, we are unable to publicly release specific details. For more information, or to find out how to join contact the rainbowflash organisers through

Transgender Europe’s project ’Transrespect Versus Transphobia Worldwide’ (TvT) is also set publish a special update to their widely acclaimed series of publications – the Trans Murder Monitoring (TMM) reports – for IDAHOT 2013. Since April 2009, their Trans Murder Monitoring project has systematically monitored, collected and analysed reports of homicides of trans people worldwide – providing key tools for policy-makers, media professionals, academics, activists and the public in general. Their most recent March 2013 update is available for download here.

In Italy, Arcigay (the National Italian LGBT Association) has announced today (March 21, 2013) that for IDAHO 2013, the 54 Arcigay Local Chapters throughout the country will hold different activities and public events. Conferences, flashmobs, activities in schools, meetings with city and local officials and manifestations are already planned. Further details will follow shortly. For further info log onto their website (in Italian) or get in contact with Zara at the IDAHO committee team via

In Malta, we have heard from members of the European Forum of LGBT Christians who will also be connecting to the Global Prayer Initiative. Members have announced a prayer vigil will take place at the University Chaplaincy, at the initiative of the Drachma Parent’s and LGBT groups. They will be send us more details, as regards to themes and times, when they become available. To find out more log on to the Drachma blog or the European Forum’s Website.

In the US, we have also heard about a possible event in the National Cathedral in Washington D.C., which will connect with the IDAHO Global Prayer Initiative. Organisers are currently at the discussion stages of hosting a vigilto commemorate lives lost through homophobia and transphobia, as well as a film showing of the documentary, God Loves Uganda – both on May 17th. For more details check back on this site soon or get in contact with Zara via

If you would like any information about these events or for general inquiries please email the team at

Thank you.

The IDAHO Committee team

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