Country page 2024 – Germany

Country pages showcase events that have been directly registered on our site or discovered through online searches. For more information about the IDAHOBIT campaign, please visit our social media channels. Comic-Wochenend-Workshop „Com(ic)unity“ Location: FrauenGenderBibliothek Saar, Großherzog-Friedrich-Str. 111, 66121 Saarbrücken Dates:...

Country page 2024 – UK

Country pages showcase events that have been directly registered on our site or discovered through online searches. For more information about the IDAHOBIT campaign, please visit our social media channels. IDAHOBIT Celebration Stall Location: Huddersfield Students' Union Date: 15 May...

Country page 2024 – Belgium

Country pages showcase events that have been directly registered on our site or discovered through online searches. For more information about the IDAHOBIT campaign, please visit our social media channels. IDAHOT Walk (Mr. Gay Belgium) Location: Steenplein, Antwerpen Date: 16...

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