Australia – 2018 IDAHOTB Country Page


There are far too many IDAHOT – IDAHOTB – IDAHOBiT (no central brand, everyone chooses what fits best) events worldwide for us to be able to report on them all. We’re listing in our pages the events which were directly brought to our attention.

The Starobserver provides each year very detailed coverage of activities around the country. Check it out!

Brisbane burst with rainbows

Source – Nine prominent Brisbane landmarks were emblazened in rainbow lights to commemorate International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia  (IDAHOT) on the night of 17 May 2018. In addition, multiple city and state institutions  proudly fly the international symbol of pride for the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) community on the same day.
The Queensland Performing Arts Centre and the Brisbane Powerhouse will for the first time, join Queensland Parliament House, Brisbane City Hall, Treasury Casino, the Story bridge, Victoria bridge and Kurilpa bridge, which will all beam in rainbow lights.
During the daytime, Rainbow flags flew from Brisbane City Hall, and the state headquarters of Queensland Police Service, Queensland Ambulance Service and Queensland Fire and Emergency Services. There was also a free IDAHOT Brisbane City Rainbow Lights Walking Tour and a free IDAHOT Remember Event held at the Brisbane Powerhouse.
Full information on the activities HERE
Photos below by Tina Eastley
Brisaban Tina Eastley brisbane bridge laser Tina Eastley Brisbane bridge Tina EAstley Brisbane other bridge Tina Eastley Brisbane2 Tina Eastley

MELT Programme 2018 – Brisbane

IDAHOT Day Ceremony
A community celebration in support of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biophobia (IDAHOT Day) including special guest speakers, a flag ceremony and the lighting of the building.
Register and find out more

Students Give Fawkner Police Station in Victoria A Splash Of Colour

Hundreds of local school students will throw paint-filled water balloons at the Fawkner Police Station to create an explosion of colour and celebration for LGBTI communities.
‘The rainbow artwork will form a permanent 80m mural on the police station fence and is a symbolic way for the community, including police, to show that we’re taking a stance against violence and discrimination,’ Acting Inspector Papworth said.
‘The initiative is also a fantastic way for our young people to tell other young people that they have a right to be proud of who they are. Our youth play an important role in creating safer and more inclusive communities, and ensuring a brighter future for all.’
More info HERE


ed Square will be awash with live entertainment by some of Melbourne’s most celebrated artists, performers and voices on Thursday 17 May to commemorate International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT).


Move in May

CGU Move In May is the largest public community event of this scale that supports and celebrates International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) in Australia.
CGU Move In May is an all inclusive Fun Run/Walk that results in a post event celebration that welcomes any who believes in equality and inclusion – regardless of sexuality and/or gender.
The event will be held on Sunday, the 20th of May, 2018 at ‘The Tan’ – Botanical Gardens.
Event’s Website or Blog:
Event’s Facebook Page:
Event’s Twitter:


IDAHOBIT Toowoomba Australia by PFLAG


  • Bloomberg LP IDAHOTB Building Light-up
  • GLEE (PwC’s LGBTI+ network) will be hosting a morning tea for all colleagues to come together and celebrate IADHOT day.  We will be sharing stories relating to the topic of the day and hope to have around 100 employees including LGBTI+ colleagues and allies.
  • Western Sydney IDAHOT Picnic organised by  The Open Door Community of Christ



Organised jointly with Amnesty Cygnet group and Rural Australians for Refugees. A chance to highlight why IDAHO Day is an international event, and participate close to home! Join us at 6pm for homemade soup and bread followed by a chance to watch an outstanding and entertaining documentary. ‘The Story of Yes’ highlights events in Ireland and looks at the situation one year after the ‘yes’ vote.


Mental health support organisation Neami National are hosting a special afternoon tea this year to share history, raise awareness and network with Perth’s local queer community.


IDAHOT Day Rainbow Walk. contact


Warrnambool Celebrates IDAHOBIT 2018

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