Ideas for IDAHOT 2014? Join our Creative Protest Working Group !

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The International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia 2014 is coming up now ! A great way to join the action is to come and join us at the IDAHOT Creative Protest Working Group we set up on Facebook. It’s designed to be an informal space for activists from different countries to share ideas for action, network, take key decisions about May 17 2014, and inspire !

The group already has over 400 members, from over 50 different countries, and as campaign season begins to approach we’re excited to encourage you to come join us !

You can find us at:

Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you !

The IDAHO Committee team

Please note that the group is set to closed for security reasons. New members will be subject to informal screening, especially in light of recent privacy cases involving LGBTQI activists in certain countries. If you are not added, but you should have been, please appeal this by sending an email to the usual address:, with our apologies.

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