May 17 salutes March 8!

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Today – March 8, 2014 – is the 104th annual International Women’s Day!
For more than 104 years, feminism has been bringing the world things like the vote, the right to choose, equality in politics and social movements, labour rights, childcare and carer support, sexual and reproductive rights, condemnation of sexual violence, criticism of sexual power roles, campaigns against violence, torture and military force, and coalitions with a huge diversity of pro-democratic social and revolutionary movements. Amongst them anti-racist, anti-imperial, anti-fascist, environmental, labour and, of course, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI) movements!
Today, we wholeheartedly salute the amazing work being done by feminists around the world!
And this week, feminists at the IDAHOT team took the opportunity of March 8, 2014, to interview feminists from different countries, on their take on different topics.
We are publishing three new interviews with
Argentine filmmaker, Mariel Maciá, who talks queer/feminist film
South Korean activist, HeJin Kim who discusses culture & cisgender privilege
Israeli human rights and feminist activist, Elinor Sidi, on space, surrogacy and security
We also collected some points of view, in honour of March 8, from feminist activists in Egypt, Switzerland, Japan and Armenia, which you can read here.
We are also re-publishing the interview we did last year for March 8, with one of Brazil’s front-line feminist voices, Sonia Corrêa – on global connections between sexual and gender rights.
You can also follow our saluting of March 8 – throughout the day – on our facebook page.
For more information on International Women’s Day – see the official international website for the Day.
Follow the Day on Twitter via #womensday

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