Country page 2024 – Russia


Country pages showcase events that have been directly registered on our site or discovered through online searches. For more information about the IDAHOBIT campaign, please visit our social media channels.

Eurovision final party

Location: Moscow, Tokmakov lane, 16
Date: 11 May 2024, 16:00
Info: A party for the beneficiaries of “Delo LGBT+” to celebrate both the upcoming IDAHOBIT and the Eurovision 2024 final. About 25 people have visited it.

Strategic meeting for human rights’ lawyers

Location: Moscow, Tokmakov lane, 16
Date: 24 May 2024, 18:30
Info: A special meeting for “Delo LGBT+” lawyers and other human rights’ lawyers working on LGBT+ issues in Russia to discuss our strategic priorities and ways to battle homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in modern Russia.

Disclaimer: The IDAHOBIT Committee and ILGA World do not assume any responsibility for the events listed on the website. The information provided on the events section of the website is for general information purposes only. The events listed on this website may not necessarily reflect the views of the IDAHOBIT Committee or ILGA World, and we do not endorse or take any responsibility for the content or organisation of these events.

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