Country page 2024 – Belgium

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Country pages showcase events that have been directly registered on our site or discovered through online searches. For more information about the IDAHOBIT campaign, please visit our social media channels.

IDAHOT Walk (Mr. Gay Belgium)

Location: Steenplein, Antwerpen
Date: 16 May 2024, 20:00
On Thursday, May 16th at 8:30 PM, we invite everyone to gather @ Steenplein Antwerp, to participate in the IDAHOT 🌈 Walk, an event organized by the Mr Gay Belgium organization. In celebration of the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (IDAHOT), we aim to send a powerful message for diversity and inclusion together.

Route and Program
The walk will commence at the historic Steenplein, a place symbolic of Antwerp’s rich history. From there, we will proceed through the picturesque Grote Markt, across the Groenplaats, and conclude our journey at the majestic Operaplein. Throughout the walk, we will carry a 25-meter-long rainbow flag, a potent symbol of our message of unity and acceptance.

Upon arrival at Operaplein (around 9:30 PM), the rainbow flag 🏳️‍🌈 will be ceremoniously laid down, in the presence of Mayor Bart De Wever.

Purpose and Impact
Recent statistics concerning the LGBTQI+ community in Belgium (Half of Belgian LGBTQ+’ers avoid holding hands with partner, 1 in 7 has been physically attacked in recent years) indicate ongoing discrimination and misunderstanding. The IDAHOT 🌈 Walk provides a unique opportunity to highlight these issues and strengthen solidarity within our community. By walking together, we demonstrate that everyone should be able to feel safe and accepted.

Come and join us to send a powerful message against discrimination and for inclusion. 🏳️‍🌈 Together, we make a difference! 🙏🏻

Colouring all of Flanders!

Location: Flanders
Date: 17 May 2024
Info: All local governments are asked to hang the LGBTI+ flag on 17 May to raise awareness against homophobia, transphobia & biphobia and to make sure all LGBTI+ people feel at home. Upon request, local governments, private persons, and organisations from East and West Flanders will be provided with free posters and stickers. They can spread and hang them to show their support.

Brussels Pride

Location: Brussels
Date: 18 May 2024, 12:00
Info: 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Join us on Saturday 18 May for a day of empowerment, visibility and celebration. The theme of this year’s edition, “Safe Everyday Everywhere”, is an ode to the fight against all forms of discrimination, violence and hate crimes worldwide. Let’s march together, in unity, and make our voices heard. ✊
What’s on the programme? A unique Pride March, a Pride Village with around sixty LGBTQIA+ associations, artists and performers, safe spaces and… all of your good vibes.❤️

🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Rendez-vous le samedi 18 mai pour une journée d’empouvoirement, de visibilité et de célébration. Le thème de cette année, “Safe Everyday Everywhere”, est une ode à la lutte contre toute forme de discrimination, violence ou crime haineux, partout dans le monde. Manifestons ensemble et faisons entendre nos voix. ✊
Au programme : une “Pride March” unique, un Pride Village regroupant une soixantaine d’associations, des artistes et de performeur.euse.s LGBTQIA+, des zones Safe Place et Safe Santé et… toutes vos good vibes ❤️

🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Afspraak op zaterdag 18 mei voor een dag vol empowerment, inclusie en feestelijke vibes. Het thema is Safe Everyday Everywhere! Doe mee met de strijd tegen alle vormen van discriminatie, geweld of haatmisdrijven in de wereld. Laat je stem horen. ✊Wat staat er op het programma? Een unieke Pride March, een Pride Village met ongeveer zestig LGBTQIA+-verenigingen, kunstenaars, performers, safe spaces en veel positieve energie ❤️

Disclaimer: The IDAHOBIT Committee and ILGA World do not assume any responsibility for the events listed on the website. The information provided on the events section of the website is for general information purposes only. The events listed on this website may not necessarily reflect the views of the IDAHOBIT Committee or ILGA World, and we do not endorse or take any responsibility for the content or organisation of these events.

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