Country page 2023 – Botswana


Most country pages feature announcements of events that were directly registered on our site.
More information on what is happening for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia can be found on our social media.


Location: Travel Lodge, Gaborone, Botswana
Date: 17 May 2023
Time: 17:00
Info: Botswana is one of a few African countries that have recently decriminalized same sex intercourse through strategic litigation or legislative action. Although decriminalization is yet to be promulgated into law through act of parliament, this calls for celebration or LGBTIQ+ and Batswana at large given the wide reaching impact decriminalization had on the rights to privacy, choice and same-sex relations. IDAHOBIT provides an opportunity to commemorate progress whilst reminding Batswana on the challenges that remain. Systemic stigma and discrimination, hate crimes and variant forms of violence remain given the gap between law and society. Policy improvements have been made in spite of criminalisation – however equality and non-discrimination are not guaranteed by law. Socioeconomic rights including the right to health remain shortcomings. Under the theme of “Together always: united in diversity”, Success Capital Organisation and partners will be commemorating IDAHOBIT in solidarity and to expand discourse in the journey towards a meaningful, equitable, healthy and gender just Botswana.

A gala dinner will take place at Travel Lodge, Botswana under Success Capital Organisation; to commemorate IDAHOBIT. Providing an atmosphere for connecting with community, embracing art and storytelling. The gala dinner is a celebration of our diversity as a community, showcasing different forms of performing art. There will be a short dialogue and plenary engagement before networking and some dance in celebration of IDAHOBIT.

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