Country page 2022 – Liberia

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Every year until 2020 we used to feature on Country Pages, which can be accessed via the interactive world map, as much information on May 17 events as we could find. We are currently unfortunately not in a capacity to do so anymore until further notice.

Country pages now only feature announcements of events that were directly registered on our site.

You can find more information on what has happens for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia by scrolling down our Twitter feed @may17org


Event: Media and stakeholders engagement and  awareness
Direction: Liberia, West Africa
Date: May 17, 2022
Time: 10:00 Am
Info:  To Mobilize and raise awareness amongst stakeholders and civil society of hate against LGBTIQ+ individuals.
       To provide information of repression against the LGBTIQ+ individuals in Liberia and the world at Large
       To provide safer space for LGBTIQ+ to come together to share Pride and express those rampant form of discrimination against the LGBTIQ+ community in Liberia.

Event: Evening Cocktail Embrace with Diversity and Inclusion
Direction: In Liberia Stop AIDS in Liberia (SAIL ) in collaboration with LIPRIDE will host this year’s IDAHOBIT Event title: “Evening Cocktail Embrace with Diversity and Inclusion “. The event will bring together a cross session of LGBTIQ+ Activist, Allies, families, friends, partners, diplomatic missions. The event is going to provide information on what is the essence of commemorating IDAHOBIT  and its  significant to the LGBTIQ+ community. The  years events will center on  building stronger allies and alliances with influential stakeholders and individuals that can challenge the hostile environment that LGBTIQ+ people face especially in Africa where they are criminalize by the law.  This will also ensure that they could influence policies supports the inclusion of LGBTIQ+ person and respect their human rights as every other human being.  The event will try as much as possible to dismantle the narrative that being and LGBTIQ+ person has a western agenda.
Date: May 17, 2022
Time: 6pm
Info: Meet and Greet with influential members of the broader society  and members of the LGBTIQ+ community in an inclusive space for interaction building synergies to support policy advocacy for the protection of LGBTIQ+ person at same time creating an enabling environment free of homophobic sentiments.

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