Germany – IDAHOTB 2018 Country Page


There are far too many events worldwide for us to be able to report on them all. We’re listing in our pages the events which were directly registered on our site
In Germany, organisations have elected “Rainbow Flashmobs” as their annual preferred action format.
This year again, rainbow colored balloon with solidarity messages will be flying over many city skylines.
In  Berlin, the anti-homophobia project MANEO marched on Sunday 13 to mark IDAHOTB
Report and pics of the march, in German, HERE
In Frankfurt, an alliance of 80 LGBTQI+ organisations is preparing an afternoon of joyful celebrations.
Organisers announce “We have info-tents, also for children, about politics, discrimination worldwide, our LGBTIQ*-groups in Frankfurt, education and much more and stage programm. About 4pm we have an wreath-laying ceremony with politics at Frankfurter Engel, a memorial for killed homosexuals.”
Details HERE
Queering AlexanderPlatz event
IDAHIT*2018 Augsburg
CSD Augburg and queer aktivists organize IDAHIT*2018 on 17th of May 2018 15.00-17.00 o’clock at Elias-Holl-Platz (behind the town-hall).
Everybody is wellcome to show our rainbow-colours against discrimination of LGBTT*IQ-people here and word wide, because tolerance and aceptance do not come by themselves!

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