Lately, we heard a lot about marriage equality debate in France and the large public demonstrations by the opponents, or the regressive developments in Russia and Ukraine with the introduction of bans on ‘homosexual propaganda’ and further repression against the LGBTI movement.
But what about the rest of the continent? Is marriage equality the only criteria we should use to measure equality of LGBTI people in a society? Which European country is a champion of LGBTI equality and which countries are in the ‘red zone’? What are the main European trends: both in terms of achievements and shortcomings? Are the European institutions doing enough? Is Europe moving forward or taking steps back?
The Rainbow Europe package will provide the answers to all the above mentioned questions. It will give an overall picture of the current state of play of the human rights of LGBTI people in Europe and will consist of two major documents:
1. Rainbow Europe Map reflects the 49 European countries’ legislation and policies that have a direct impact on the enjoyment of human rights by LGBTI people. The Rainbow Europe Map will reflect each European country’s situation and will give overall score on how far this country is on a scale between 0% and 100%.
2. Second edition of ILGA-Europe Annual Review of the Human Rights Situation of LGBTI People in Europe provides insights into the political and social developments and thus complements the more legally oriented Rainbow Europe Map with a feeling of what an everyday life and environment for LGBTI people is in different European countries.
More info : clickhere

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