Country page 2024 – Argentina


Country pages showcase events that have been directly registered on our site or discovered through online searches. For more information about the IDAHOBIT campaign, please visit our social media channels.

Cine Debate por el Día de Lucha contra la Discriminación por Orientación Sexual e Identidad de Género.

Location: Matheu 3877, B1650 San Martín, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: 17 May 2024, 19:00
Info: Cine Debate por el Día de Lucha contra la Discriminación por Orientación Sexual e Identidad de Género.
En el marco de la Semana de las Diversidades, y teniendo en cuenta la coyuntura actual de nuestro País y los crimenes de odio sucedidos en Barracas hacia 4 lesbianas, realizaremos un cine debate donde proyectaremos un documental Mala reputación, que critica la representación de las lebianas en la ficción argentina. Luego generaremos un espacio de debate y reflexión.
Actividad abierta y gratuita para toda la comunidad.

Movie and Debate for the Day to Fight Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.
Within the Diversity Week, and taking into account the current situation of our country and the hate crimes that occurred in Barracas against 4 lesbians, we will hold a film debate where we will screen a documentary “Mala reputación” (Bad Reputation), which criticizes the representation of lesbians in Argentine fiction. Then we will generate a space for debate and reflection.
Open and free activity for the entire community.

Disclaimer: The IDAHOBIT Committee and ILGA World do not assume any responsibility for the events listed on the website. The information provided on the events section of the website is for general information purposes only. The events listed on this website may not necessarily reflect the views of the IDAHOBIT Committee or ILGA World, and we do not endorse or take any responsibility for the content or organisation of these events.

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