2020 Country Page – Greece


Event: Breaking The Silence – IDAHOBIT 2020 – Greek Transgender Support Association
Direction: Greek Transgender Support Association : https://www.facebook.com/GreekTransgenderSupportAssociation/photos/a.971894606155086/3255874631090394/?type=3&theater

Together We Can: https://www.facebook.com/twcgreece/
Date: 15.05 – 17.05.2020
The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT) is celebrated around the world every year on May 17 with the aim of highlighting the multiple human rights violations that continue to increase, with the aim of increasing LGBTQI raising awareness of the wider society on issues of sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity and sex characteristics, on the other hand the even stronger claim of the rights aimed at establishing an inclusive legal framework that will protect the LGBTQI persons from discrimination and prejudice. 
The International Transgender Support Association’s (GTSA) campaign is based on the global motto of this year’s International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia (Sunday, May 17), “Breaking The Silence” sending the message that this year we are breaking our silence by making our voice heard even louder, in order to further strengthen the LGBTQI persons who couldn’t coming out their gender identity or sexual orientation.
Breaking The Silence!!! 
Organisation: Greek Transgender Support Association (GTSA)
Direction / Artistic editing: Anna Apergi
Photography: Dimitris Bouras
The campaign is carried out under the auspices of the Municipality of Athens, in the framework of actions of the Project “Together We Can” and with the support of the International Trans Fund.
Contact sponsor: www.t-zine.gr

Event: Assesemnet and treatment approaches for gender diverse persons.
Direction: Greece via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89315368926
Facebook page live streaming: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Mental-Health-Service/Ένωση-Επαγγελματιών-Ψυχιάτρων-Ελλάδας-376768069547611/
Date: 17 May 2020
Time: 20:30 EEST
Info: Educational Webinar of the Hellenic Association of Professional Psychiatrist presented by Dr Georgios Pagkalos, Psychiatrist – Sexologist and Transgender Health Specialist to the greek mental health community to raise awareness on all aspects of transgender health, minority stigma, bullying and respectful treatment of transgender and non-binary persons.

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