As part of the IDAHOT campaign for 2015, we have contacted several artists, photographers, and YouTubers, to raise their voice in support of the campaign. The result exceeded our expectations and we are very grateful for the material received! While many of these videos are in Spanish, some have subtitles in English, remember to activate CC to see them.
[highlight]Thanks! [/highlight]@PepeyTeo @Sanxpineda @SoyHomosensual @johnnycarmona @Don_Ninicolass @YoSoyRitchie @GayMenProject @Ke_vlogs
[box type=”shadow” align=”aligncenter” ]Pepe y Teo
Twitter: @PepeyTeo.
Youtube Channel
[box type=”shadow” align=”aligncenter” ]Sanxpineda
Twitter: @sanxpineda.
Youtube Channel
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The Gay Men Project – Photography
The Gay Men Project is a personal project by New York based photographer Kevin Truong. His goal is to create a visual catalog of gay men living across the world.
In his own words:
“This project is simple. Basically, I’m trying to photograph as many gay men as I can. My goal is to create a platform, a visibility on some level, and a resource for others who may not be as openly gay. A visual catalog of gay men and their stories. When I think of my own experience, and all the time I spent in the closet and hiding the fact that I was gay–to be at a place now where I feel completely comfortable being on the blog and telling the world “Hey, I’m a gay man,” I think there’s a power in that, for me and for a lot of the men on the blog. So it’s kind of a numbers game, I think the more men I photograph, the more impact the project has.
My dream is to take the project to as many different cities as I can across the world.”
In the following link you can see a selection of young adults photographed by Kevin and his inspirational stories compiled especially for May 17 “International Day Against Homophobia, transphobia and Biphobia”
The Gay Men Proyect para #IDAHOT
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Soy Ritchie – Mexico’s ‘First Gay Comic Artist’
“Hi! My name is Ricardo Gaytan I’m 19 years old, and my friends call me Ritchie. I would like to tell you something and I hope you are not surprised … I’m gay …”
Ricardo, known also as Soy Ritchie, is a young Mexican comic artist who is one of the countries only openly LGBT comic artists. For the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia he created a special cartoon marking and celebrating the day.
Ritchie was not willing to lose May 17 #IDAHOT celebrations. Share.
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Soy Homosensual
Twitter: @SoyHomosexual
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Don Ninicolass
Twitter: @Don_Ninicolass
Youtube Channel
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Johnny Carmona
Twitter: @JohnnyCarmona
YouTube Channel
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Kevin Rojas
Twitter: @Ke_vlogs
YouTube Channel