IDAHOT Report 2014: Ghana

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The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia was marked publicly for the first time ever in Ghana, in 2014. Actions took place in the capital, Accra, on Friday May 16.

On 16th of May, 2014, the Human Rights Advocacy Centre (HRAC) in Accra, Ghana, organized the first ever event in Ghana to mark the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia under the theme of Freedom of Expression.
The event was part of HRAC’s effort to create a platform to discuss the way forward in addressing homophobia and human rights in Ghana. The event gathered over 100 participants from diplomatic missions in Ghana, from UN agencies, civil society organisations, NGOs, academia, LGBTI communities, and human rights groups.
A banner was signed by various people (pictured below), to gather support to end homophobia in Ghana, followed by the screening of a documentary by Scott Mills titled “The World’s Worst Place to be Gay?”. There was a panel discussion, drawing together professionals from various fields, to address the opportunities, threats and way forward in addressing homophobia in Ghana.

Banner with Signatures in Accra, Ghana

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