Sara and I have been in love for the past 13 years. Very soon in our relationship we talked about having a child together and imagine all the wonderful things we would do with him/her.
We signed a civil contract (2007) but it was not enough for us so we organize our own, not legal, wedding in 2008 with 100 of our friends and family.
When we were ready (in 2009), we start reading many books about Rainbow families, as if we wanted to convince ourselves that we could be good parents too and that our child would not suffer (too much) from this situation.
We couldn’t legally request assisted reproductive technology in France so we had to go to Belgium (thanks a lot to our Belgian neighbors for being more open minded) and we were really lucky as the IUI was successful the first time.
Our son Sacha is now 6 years old and he is a very happy, enthusiastic, and funny kid! Sacha is surrounded by tons of love, from us of course, but also from his grand parents and all his friends.
We are really greateful to be so lucky and so happy in our life.
We have now a new exciting project: in August we are leaving for a 1 year world trip!
During this trip we intend to meet with Rainbow families all around the world and we will interview them (video interview) so that they could testify about their happiness but also their potential struggles to be recognized as a family in their country.
If you want to know more about this project:
This website is both in French and in English and we already published a video interview of a French Sociologist, Martine Gross who is specialized on Rainbow Families.
Love makes a family!