The Argentinean LGBT federation and the Metropolitan University for Education and Work (UMET) join forces to develop a month long program consisting of a photo exhibition, a panel discussion on “the challenges for the inclusion of Trans people” and the projection of a documentary on the life of Trans activist Claudia Pía Baudracco. More information on UMET’s site.
The Dutch, Belgian and Swedish Embassies and the City of Buenos Aires will team with various LGBT civil society organisations such as Comunidad Homosexual Argentina, La Fulana, ATTTA Red Nacional, la Federación Argentina LGBT, la Fundación Huesped, Gapef, and Mayores en la Diversidad for a public gathering aiming at raising awareness of the situation of LGBT people in the country
The organisation AFDA – Asociación de Familias Diversas de Argentina, miembro de la Federación Argentina LGBT organises a meeting of Rainbow families on May 20th for the joint IDAHOT/IFED celebrations.
More info on the event’s web page.
In Santiago del Estero, ATTTA Red Nacional, Di.Va.S, the Argentinean LGBT Federation and the National University of Santigo del Estero organise the first National Congress of Comprehensive Sexual Education, which aims to be a space for interaction between lecturers, students, researchers and activists